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All 150 Psalms Chanted

Some time ago, Paul committed to chanting and posting all 150 Psalms to Sing the Hours' sister channel, Chants and Rants. 


A breakneck work schedule and a new (adorable) little baby girl got this important side project understandably sidelined. 



Then we received an email from a hospice chaplain asking if Paul could consider finishing the task. Father was hoping to be able to play these chanted Psalms to the sick and dying, and that galvanized Paul to jumpstart the work. 


It's still in progress, and we need your help to get it finished. 

Click here for the YouTube playlist of the Psalms Paul has already completed.


Though Paul makes his projects look effortless, these audios are labor-intensive, expert-level productions and he does them for free.  


So w​​e humbly ask:
Would you consider giving a one-time or monthly gift to help support this chanted Psalm project?








As a "thank you" for any gift of $10 or higher, we will add you to a private podcast featuring some of the most beloved hymns Paul has recorded for Sing the Hours. 


This includes: 


"Round Me Falls the Night" 
"Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" (My favorite. Turn it UP on a good system)
"Stabat Mater" 
"Salve Regina"
"The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came"
"Iam Christe Sol Iustitia" English and Latin version
"Ave Regina Caelorum" (Simple and Solemn Tone, Latin)


And more. This playlist will be periodically updated with new songs from the Liturgy of the Hours.

**These hymns will be released Monday, February 24, on a private podcast. Everyone who gives $10 or more will be granted evergreen access. **


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