God has shined upon us

We just had an Epiphany; let’s talk about it. By that I mean the Catholic Solemnity we just enjoyed, the tail of the Christmas season just ended. Before I was a Catholic, I knew the word “epiphany”, I knew there was a Catholic holiday by that name, and I knew it had...

a glimpse of what is holy

(John Rose, October 2022) The Liturgy of the Eucharist, the source and summit of our life in Christ, brings heaven near to us, as both angels and mortal men stand again in wonder before the sacrifice of the Son of God: “This is my body broken for you”. The...

a new star in Mary’s crown

I love the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am a relatively new Catholic (since 2009) and it took me a while, but I do understand why Mary is so close to our hearts. She is the mother given to the Apostle John at the foot of our Lord’s cross. By logic, or by the binding and...

we are all Gregorians

Earlier this month (September 3) the Church celebrated the feast day of Pope St. Gregory the Great, who reigned in the late 500’s. Gregory was a Doctor of the Church: an authoritative teacher and prolific writer. As Pope, he was an evangelizer of Northern Europe, and...

holding the summit, the High seeks the lowest

Today is the great feast of the Assumption of Mary, also known as her Dormition (falling asleep). In an ancient, persistent, and fully affirmed tradition, the Blessed Mother received, among many other singular graces, a special treatment at the end of her earthly...

the nativity of John and the heart of Jesus

Today is a special day for many reasons. June 24 is traditionally observed as the Nativity of John the Baptist. (Happy birthday St. John; pray for us!) This year, June 24 is also the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. John’s mission was to prepare the way for...